FREEBIE- Digital Game
Our self-correcting, interactive, digital vowel teams games will improve your students' ability to read and spell words with common vowel teams oi/oy, ai/ay, oa/ow, au/aw, ou/ow. This activity requires no prep - simply open the slide deck and the game is ready to go.
Your students will be challenged to think deeply about which vowel team belongs in the blank space of the word based on what they’ve learned in class. Students are given immediate, corrective feedback throughout gameplay so that they are aware of how they are doing. They will be automatically prompted to go back and fix any errors as they move through the game.
This digital activity can be used as a guided practice activity or assigned for independent practice via Google Classroom and submitted for your review.
Ready to take practicing those important digital vowel team skills off of your plate?
Get your FREE game packet!